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2004 Jul 08 00:12

2004.05.04 Meeting Notes


  • Sasser worm's on the loose!

Project Reports

  • Demo - No upcoming demos due to our booths at Whole Earth Festival and Government Technology Conference this month.

  • Installfests - The next IF should be Saturday, May 15th at UC Davis. We need to get the key. We may also be able to meet elsewhere on campus when Kemper Hall is unavailable. (Emily may be able to provide space.) Henry has a large 24-port router that belongs to LUGOD. They should be used at Installfests!

  • LERT - Dick Ely sent in a request for help with DSL just prior to tonight's meeting. Another recent LERT call was made recently, but they figured out the problem on their own. Still considering creating a 'vox-lert' list.

  • Library - Four books were added to the library today: Samba-3 by Example, and ??? from Pearson Education, Amazon Hacks from O'Reilly, and ??? from ???. Ken Bloom donated a System Rescue CD with NTFS resize and QtParted to the library.

    We still need to go through the lending library and decide which obsolete books should be discarded, as well as update the index of books on the website (it's about 6 months out of date). The ISBN look-up tool Henry uses should be modified to check Amazon.com when the Library of Congress is lacking information.

    Henry House, Ryan Castellucci, and Emily Stumpf are interested in volunteering to do this. They're considering June 20th, the day of the June installfest.

Other Business

  • Whole Earth Festival - Takes place this weekend. Friday hours are 12pm-6pm. Saturday and Sunday are 9am-6pm. A schedule of volunteers is on the LUGOD website.

  • Government Technology Conference - We have acquired a booth at GTC. We'll need to pay for power (under $100) by May 7th. We have the opportunity to do a presentation on Open Source ("The Business Case For & Against Open Source for Your Agency"), and Edward Elliott has volunteered to do so. The talk will be at 3pm on May 12th.

  • CD Burns - LUGOD is buying 500 copies of Knoppix from CheapBytes for WEF and GTC. David King took 100 blank CDs to burn GNUWinII for GTC.

  • Davis Community Meals - Bill Kendrick and Trevor Lango met with Bill Bride from DCM last Tuesday to discuss how LUGOD can help them out. Minutes from the meeting are on LUGOD's website. One of their main needs is to get their PCs working with their existing DSL line. Unfortunately, Trevor had a family emergency and had to step down as coordinator. Matthew Lange has offered to help.

  • Officer Elections - Doug Barbieri, Ryan Castellucci, Emily Stumpf and Hans Uhlig were nominated for president. The final vote results were:
    • Doug Barbieri - 24 votes
    • Ryan Castellucci - 13 votes
    • Emily Stumpf - 20 votes
    • Hans Uhlig - 4 votes

    Doug Barbieri had to step down due to time constraints, so Emily takes over as president.

  • Give-aways - We gave away some extra books today. Micah grabbed "Amazon Hacks," Dick Ely grabbed "Sambe 3 by Example," and Mikal got "Next Generation Application Integration."

  • Financial Report - $12.75 in voluntary dues were collected.


  • Doug Barbieri talked about music on Linux, and demonstrated JACK, LAD and Rosegarden. (Brian Lavender was unable to do his presentation on system mirroring due to work.)


  • Mike Simons
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Ryan Castellucci
  • Seth Nagao
  • Daphne Pareas
  • Jonathan Stickel
  • Mikal Saltveit
  • Emily Stumpf
  • Dmitriy Ivanov
  • Doug Barbieri
  • Henry House
  • Micah Cowan
  • Ryan Castellucci
  • Marc Hasbrouck
  • David
  • Dick Ely
  • Jeff
  • Dave
  • George
  • ... and 2 others

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.