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2005.11.19 Meeting Notes
Officer's Meeting
Lamppost Pizza, Davis
- PO Box Renewal - The statement will arrive in December.
Henry is checking the PO Box weekly, and will pay when it arrives.
- Domain-name Renewal - A noticed was received via e-mail.
Henry will be handling it soon.
- LUGOD Materials - Ryan is storing LUGOD's projector,
handouts, and other materials. Henry House can store them, if needed,
as well.
- Social Meetings - There was a consensus that we should have more
strictly-social gatherings, along with technical presentations.
Henry would like us to return to two meetings per month.
The current idea is to continue with technical presentations on
the 3rd Monday, and have social gatherings somewhere like Sudwerk.
"Easy" presentation topics or workshops could be held at Sudwerk,
providing a friendlier environment for 'newbies' who come for the talk,
and a more entertaining social environment for people less interested
in basic topics.
Ryan can probably provide wireless access to Sudwerk for these events.
We probably will not reserve the back area (like we have for larger meetings
at Sudwerk), but simply call ahead that day. Ryan can do this.
The next Tuesday meeting would have been December 6th, so we're going
to schedule a Sudwerk gathering for that day.
- Topic Ideas - Ryan would like to do another IP Tables presentation.
Bill will go through previous meeting topics to look for others which might
be good to redo.
- Hacking Society - There is apparently a Hacking Society group
in Davis. We should announce it to LUGOD.
- Treasury Activity
- Henry received $20 in IF Donations from Seth. Henry received a personal donation of $25.
- Henry has still not received a reimbursement form from Mike Simons for
Picn*x14, so will send him a check based on cost totals on the event's wiki:
$495 for the park, $866.31 for food ($1361.31 total).
- Tim Riley donated $100 to LUGOD.
Officers present:
- Ryan Castellucci (sys)
- Emily Stumpf (typescript)
- Henry House (/dev/null)
- Seth Nagao (IF coordinator)
- Chris McKenzie (IF coordinator)
- Bill Kendrick (Public Relations officer) (via cellphone)
Non-officers present:
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Chris Takemura
Officers absent: