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Page last updated:
2002 Jun 05 00:07

2002.06.04 Meeting Notes


  • Microsoft VP Jim Alchin told a Federal court that sharing information with competitors could damage national security and even threaten the U.S. war effort.
  • 2600 DeCSS-linking case appeal denied.
  • OpenBSD has not only disabled-by-default, but has recently REMOVED all legacy security-free protocols (e.g., the "r-tools", like rsh, rlogin, etc.)
  • Fingerprint identification proven insecure thanks to $10 worth of equipment, including gummy bear candies.
  • Doom 3 is coming to Linux!
  • Sun is selling 2 new low-end servers. But they're x86's running Linux!
  • April 2002 Netcraft survey shows ~64% of active sites run Apache. Only about 27% run Microsoft IIS.
  • April 2002 was the first month that more servers ran PHP than Microsoft ASP.
  • ClosedBSD announced. A BSD specializing in firewalls and NAT, which boots off of a single floppy (similar to the Linux-based LEAF project).
  • Bdale Garbee is the new Debian project leader.
  • Strange "rm" bug can cause deletion of the wrong directory structure if you happen to move a directory (one you're deleting) at JUST the wrong time.
  • VA Software made more money this quarter than expected. (They only lost $2.6million)
  • A DMCA party was held in Washington, D.C. Attendees included Jack Valenti (MPAA), Hilary Rosen (RIAA), Marybeth Peters (Bush admin.), and reps. from Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe.
  • Sun Microsystems is offering unlimited copies of StarOffice for free to China's ministry of education.
  • Microsoft appeal against "Lindows" name fails.
  • IBM moves out of the hard drive market. Employees and patents being moved to Hitachi.
  • The SEC settled the Microsoft "cookiejar" financial case for simply a "promise" from MS not to break the rules.
  • A leaked memo was discovered showing a Microsoft plan to copyright the entire ".net" top-level domain to make way for their ".NET" service! (It didn't happen, of course.)
  • Henry House announced the opening of his own farmer's market - the first entirely organic (and soon to be Linux point-of-sale based) one in the area. (Saturdays, 4-7pm, May through November. 429 F Street #10)

Project Reports

  • Demo - There's currently no demo scheduled for this month, but Henry will look into a suitable date (the 15th is graduation). If you can help out, e-mail demo@lugod.org.

  • Installfests - Our next Installfest will be on June 16th.

  • LERT - No LERT news.

  • Library - Verbus M. Counts donated "Gimp for Linux Bible," and "XML for e-business and e-commerce."

    O'Reilly donated "Linux in a Nutshell," "LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell," "Linux Device Drivers," "How to Build a Beowulf," "The Linux Web Server CD Bookshelf" and "Learning Red Hat Linux."

    Carl Yates donated "MacOSX: The Complete Reference" and "MacOSX Solutions Guidebook."

Other Business

  • California 4-H Presentation - Nothing new.

  • Class with DCN - There are currently no classes scheduled. We're waiting to hear back from Richard Lowenberg at DCN.

  • Games - Eric Engelhard won an O'Reilly shirt for guessing that ASP is now less used than PHP. Paul Miller won a CDRW drive for guessing that Apache has 64% marketshare. Joel Baumert won a VMWare hat for knowing that Sun's new servers are x86-based and run Linux.

  • Raffle - Ian McKinnon, Edward, Verbus Counts, Doug Barbieri, Mike Simons, Jeff Rousch, Michael and Cordell Newmiller each won copies of our speaker's book, "C# in a Nutshell."

    Eric Engelhard, Edit O'Neill, Geoff Herteg, Tim and Ryan Castellucci picked O'Reilly playing card packs.

    Richard Crawford picked an O'Reilly t-shirt.

  • LUGODer of the Quarter - Long overdue, Joel Baumert was awarded LUGODer of the quarter. We thank him for getting us our current (and excellent) meeting place at Z-World! His gift was a copy of No Starch Press' "Programming Linux Games."

  • Financial Report - $7x.xx in voluntary dues were collected.


  • Ted Neward of DevelopMentor, and author of O'Reilly's C# in a Nutshell, talked about Microsoft's .NET, and discussed COM/DCOM, CORBA, SOAP, Web Services, Java, C# and much more!


  • Mark Kim
  • Ken Heron
  • Stephen Helms
  • Pete Salzman
  • Rhonda Bailey
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Melissa Hardenbrook
  • Ryan Castellucci
  • David Teter
  • Rod Roark
  • Joel Baumert
  • Sarah Baumert
  • Kevin Murakoshi
  • John
  • Eric Engelhard
  • Jeff Newmiller
  • Cordell Newmiller
  • Doug Barbieri
  • Richard Crawford
  • Ed O'Neill
  • Ankur Shah
  • Dave Griffith
  • Ted Neward
  • Brian Lavender
  • Foo Lim
  • Verbus Counts
  • Mark Webster
  • Eugene Dunlap
  • Nancy Bross
  • Patrick
  • Nick
  • Geoff Herteg
  • Dave Thompson
  • Dave
  • Michael
  • Dick
  • Tim
  • Ted
  • Dave Nelson
  • Paul Miller
  • Henry House
  • Jim McKennon
  • Gary
  • Mike Simons
  • ... and 4 others


Photos of this meeting.

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based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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For numerous book donations.