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2002 May 18 16:24

2002.04.12 Meeting Notes

Officer's Meeting

Tecate Grill restaurant, Davis.


  • CSUS Comp. Sci. Club
    Bill Kendrick will contact the CSUS comp. sci. club to make sure they know about our existence.

  • Sacramento Linux Consortium
    Currently on the back-burner. Related item: Brian Lavender of SacLUG would like to hold another 'multi-LUG' Installfest, and has been talking with IBM about getting funding.

  • Library
    The webpage needs updating. Melissa has offered to help Henry. We should look into purchasing sticker paper, or having stickers or a stamp created, stating "Propery of LUGOD..." for our library collection.

  • Officers Page
    The page appears too narrow - switch to single columns. Bios need updating. (Page may need changes after elections, too!) Remove obvious distinction between voted officers and volunteers, as it detracts.

  • Post Office Box
    Henry has offered his office as LUGOD's mailing address, since the Post Office Box has been problematic. It would also be free. We'll talk about it more when the current POBox is up for renewal. A change-of-address form will be filled out by Melissa.

  • 4-H
    We've received the packet. We need to respond by April 25th as to whether the current A/V supplies (mic, projector, screen) are sufficient (they are). We must create hand-outs, for copying and distribution at the conference, and provide them to 4-H by July 15th. A '4-H' committee has been formalized, with Henry as chair. Nicole Carlson, Peter Salzman and Bill Kendrick will be part of it.

  • Treasury
    Books we balanced as of January. Due to PO Box loss, new statements haven't arrived. Rhonda will request duplicates from the bank. Our current balance is approx. $600.

  • Linux Class with DCN
    Exact date and location are still up in the air. Rod Roark has shown interest, and we will ask if he'd like to chair a committee. Peter Salzman and Bill Kendrick will be part of it.

  • Whole Earth Festival
    It will cost $45 for the booth space. We need someone to lend us a table and chairs, and find volunteers to staff the booth. Since power is limited, at least one Linux-based laptop would be very useful. We're considering having members burn Linux CDs for sale at the event, possibly with benefits going to EFF or FSF. If the former, we'll see if Robin Gross, or someone else from EFF, can come participate! The WEF also needs proof of our tax-exempt status, which Rhonda has provided a copy of. Bill Kendrick will chair a committee, and Melissa Hardenbrook and Peter Salzman will be part of it.

  • Bylaws
    Pete suggested a number of bylaw changes:
    • Move officer nominations to AFTER daylight savings change, so that there's no chance we'll forget it the meeting before
    • List other appointed officers (Installfest coordinator, public relations officer, librarian)
    • Update PO Box number
    • Add clause making /dev/null (treasurer) responsible for doing taxes and interactions with IRS
    • Remove 'librarian' job from typescript (secretary)'s responsibilities, since it is handled by appointed librarian
    • Remove 'entirely' from phrase: "Webmaster is to be entirely responsible [for the website]"
    • Change instance(s) of "will be unable" to "is unable"
    • Remove URL from bylaws location; just say "on the website," so that if the file moves or name is changed, a bylaw update won't need to occur

    Those present agreed that these changes are suitable, but a vote must be held. Pete will mail these suggestions, and some others, to vox-announce. Voting will most likely occur at April 15th's meeting.

  • Taxes
    Henry handled our taxes, and mailed them on Tuesday. Our address needs to be updated with the IRS. It appears we must also apply for non-profit status with California, not just the government. (Applying costs $25.00)

  • Demo Machine
    Mike Simons has offered to maintain and store LUGOD's demo machine. Henry has handed it over to him.

  • Officer Meetings
    We've agreed that they must occur at least monthly, so that issues don't pile up.

  • Mailing Lists
    Henry will look into the mailing lists on the website to make sure issues we had with it previously have been taken care of. (Exclude the 'thread' overview pages from the search results, so that ONLY messages are displayed. Separation of search results between the site (but not the lists), and the lists (and none of the site).)

  • Open Source Legislation
    In June 2000, Charles Ritchie proposed that the local government should be required to look into Open Source alternatives. We'll be looking into the viability of getting something like this on a ballot.


  • Pete Salzman - root (president)
  • Henry House - sys (vice president) / librarian
  • Melissa Hardenbrook - typescript (secretary)
  • Rhonda Bailey - /dev/null (treasurer)
  • Bill Kendrick - p.r. officer / webmaster
  • Mike Simons

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.