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2000.09.28 Meeting Notes


We met with Richard Lowenberg of DCN, the Davis Community Network, at Woodstocks Pizza to discuss continuing our work with DCN.


  • LUGOD Demos
    We told Richard about our upcoming LUGOD demos (at Borders, the Co-Op, and Davis Farmers Markets) and suggested that someone from DCN join us to help man the booth and pass out information about DCN.

  • Application Service Provider
    DCN is interested in developing and serving applications, and is looking for Linux application developers who can work with them. Steve McMahon of DCN is the person to speak with.

  • Old System Refurbishment
    DCN's old PC refurbishing project is still going, but very slowly. A few people have been taking PC's to their homes to work on and returning them to DCN when they are set up. If you're interested in helping, contact Richard Lowenberg.

    Richard is also soon meeting with a number of waste management organizations (UC Davis, Yolo, West Sac., etc.) to discuss PC recycling (ie, keeping hardware out of landfills due to the amount of heavy metals they contain).

  • Linux Router Project
    We mentioned LRP, a Linux distribution that fits on, and boots from, a single floppy and can be used to turn a harddisk-less PC into a router and firewall. DCN may be interested in using this.

  • Installfests and LERT
    We mentioned our monthly Installfests and our LERT group and Richard said he'd like to discuss these in DCN's "DCNews" electronic newsletter to spread the word about our services.

  • Yolo Library
    We mentioned that the Yolo County Library is sorely lacking in Linux and Unix books and that we've been interested in fundraising and/or getting corporate sponsorship to donate books. Richard said the best person to speak to at the library is Jay Johnston.

  • Accountant
    Richard recommended that when tax time rolls around, an accountant would be handy. The accountant that DCN uses, and who Richard recommends, is Margarite Spencer, CPA.

  • DCN Talk at LUGOD
    We of course invited Richard to attend our meetings. We also offered him a chance to speak at an upcoming meeting to spread the word about DCN.

  • Computer Training
    DCN is looking for people willing to teach during their regular free public training sessions. (About Linux, and non-Linux topics.)

  • Davis General Plan
    Pete mentioned LUGOD's interest in encouraging the City of Davis to adopt Open Source software as an alternative to proprietary (and often insecure and unreliable) software. Richard said we should speak to Jerilyn Cocharin, the City's liason between the public and the Davis General Plan.

  • Woodland Community College
    We asked about spreading Linux to areas in Yolo other than Davis (since technically we consider ourselves a Yolo club, not just a Davis one). He suggested we speak to Francisco Rodriguez at the Woodland Community College.


  • Bill Kendrick
  • Melissa Hardenbrook
  • Pete Salzman
  • Jen Rutherford
  • Foo Lim
  • Richard Lowenberg

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
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LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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